Tuesday, March 11, 2014

C4K Summary 1

Summary of Comments for Kids 1

My first summary comes from a posting by a student named Josh. Josh posted about sledding and it was a relatively good post. I stated how I used to go sledding and how I really enjoyed it. I explained to him how fun it was and stated how I could envision what he was describing in his post. I told him it was an excellent post and told him he could be a writer some day. That sums up my comment for Josh.

My next summary comes from a posting by a student named Tatiana. Tatiana did a Color Poem and I commented on how it sounds like her Color Poem was very interesting and to personify it was just genius. I stated that I tried to click on the link and read it but it didn't work for me. I stated that I wish I could have read it because based on her description it sounds like it is awesome. That was about it for my comment on Tatiana's post.

My next summary comes from a posting by a student named Harley. His post was on birth stones. I indicated that I was excited about his post because our birthday is in the same month which meant we both had the same birthstone, diamond. I indicated that we might share the same birthday…you never know. He also created a tellagami and I complemented him on his tellagami. That was my comment for Harley.
a picture of a diamond

My next summary comes from a posting by a student named Elizabeth. Elizabeth's post was saddening and I informed her of that. She had been hurt by another student. I offered one piece of advice and that was to not hold on to unforgiveness. I empathized with her and stated that she should learn from the past and learn how to trust again. That was my comment for Elizabeth.

My next summary comes from a posting by a student named Amber. I commented on how her blog seemed like a lot of fun. It was a quote blog. I stated that the quote she chose was inspiring and it provides wisdom. I also commented on the design of her blog. That summed up my post for Amber.

My next summary comes from a posting by kidblog97. I stated that kidblog97 provided wisdom beyond their years which means they have learned a lot since 1997. I explained how I understood the situation this person was in. I stated that they had handled their situation well. I stated that he/she was right when they said that their true friends are the people that stick with them and is there for them no matter what. I explained how I have two really true friends that are there for me anytime I need them. I explained how this person had done excellent work. I couldn't tell if kidblog97 was a boy or a girl, but I assume that kidblog97 is a girl. The post was deep and good. This sums up my comment for kidblog97.


  1. Hey Ramsey!

    Sounds like you had as much fun as I did reading and commenting on the kid blogs! One of my students put a Tellagami on their birthstone blog as well. I really don't know what that is, but she did a great job with the illustration. I also had the chance to read a little on the bullying blog, my student wrote a short story about how to proactively prevent bullying for another student. I thought that it was very insightful and sweet. For the color poem assignment, I couldn't access the poem either and indicated that to the student as well. Thanks for the recap! Again, you have a great blog.


  2. Hey Ramsey!,

    Sounds like you had as much fun as I did reading and commenting on the kid blogs! One of my students put a Tellagami on their birthstone blog as well. I really don't know what that is, but she did a great job with the illustration. I also had the chance to read a little on the bullying blog, my student wrote a short story about how to proactively prevent bullying for another student. thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.
